Thursday, August 2, 2012

baby gear - episode 2: pacifiers

Sooooo... the great soothing debate!

as a baby, and then a child, and (embarrassingly) almost a preteen I was a huge thumb sucker. its the ultimate of self soothing and it was incredibly hard to break me of the habit. Even after I stopped sucking my thumb consciously, I would wake up sucking my thumb.

with all that in mind, and against recommendations, I brought pacifiers to the hospital. (gasp and judge if you must...)

I brought 2 kinds and we introduced them on day 2.

Baby D only liked one kind and to this day he rejects all others...
Let me introduce you to the Avent Soothie!

videos of D's reactions:


Getting back in the Down Dog

I've decided to move my fitness posts to here as well!  For the old ones you can check out my old fitness blog:

So, this petite soprano and mommy has started to exercise again - just a little bit.  One of the things the end of my pregnancy taught me is that there is such a thing as doing too much and that it can have a hugely negative effect on your body.
After my icky post-partum experience I was on modified bedrest for 7 weeks.  When I got the go-ahead to exercise, I got a little gung-ho and went on two 2+ mile walks, and yoga class, plus lots of errands.  The result of that was some crazy soreness... not workout soreness, but 'female' soreness.

Note to self - go easy on the exercise after birth.

Since then, i've taken it a lot easier - no more long walks since then, so I've knocked out my hope of walking a 5k (race for the arts ) in late August.  Its just going to take longer than that for me to heal enough.

Yesterday was mommy and me yoga.  LOVE that i'm able to do yoga again! the class generally follows this pattern:

  1. mommies (and dads sometimes)  Check in and talk about being a mommy/dad  Source - this is where I do yoga
  2. yoga for baby (mommy/daddy helps baby into yoga positions)                   Source
  3. yoga for mommy (poses that mommy does alone, while interacting with baby) Source
  4. yoga for mommy with baby (baby is added weight for strong mommies)  source
  5. Savasana                                                                                         source
The whole class is baby-driven.  If baby needs to nurse or needs a diaper change, you just take care of their needs and join back with the class when you can.  

One of the things you do in the 4th part of class is squats while holding baby...
My legs are SO sore today!  The good kind of sore, the one that says, My muscles got some good work!

This momma's getting back in shape!

~ The Errant Soprano