I am the lamest ducky in the world when it comes to blogging...
Every since the Bebe arrived (and really, since I found out I was preggers) I've failed to keep this blog updated. My excuses are many; There is so much (or so little) going on. It takes too long (blargh, I'm a fast typer, that's a pitiful excuse!). I'm tired. I can't get to the computer (actually, our office is a disaster of Everest proportions and it IS hard to get to the desktop and I HAVE rather killed my netbook, so that one might be valid), I have no ideas, I have too many ideas... etc, etc.
You get the point.
Well, I'm hoping that things are really getting better this time. I'm trying to be a new, motivated plunker, mommy, exerciser, homemaker - ummm... we'll see about that one, did I mention our office?
So, What we've been up to in a Nutshell since I haven't posted since October or so 0_0
January's mini-show |
- I started working out
- I auditioned for, and got cast in, a show
- Rehearsals started
- I stopped working out
- Baby 5 months
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving
- Baby 6 months
- Christmas
- Did a one off show! :)
- Baby 7 months
- I was in rehearsals
- Baby 8 months
- Husband was sent to Maryland for work
- Tech Week
- Baby got Croup
- I was in a show
- Baby 9 months
- 5 Colds (spread over all this time)
- I started working out, got sick, stopped again
- Baby 10 months
- work, life, stuff...
My little fam! <3 td="">3> |
So now we're caught up! ;)
Workout planning! |
3 weeks ago, I decided to get off of my sad, fatigued butt and get moving. I decided to start small - one large glass of water in the morning before anything else and Yoga - before the baby wakes if possible, during his first nap if not.
See? today's workout! |
That is going swimmingly!
In the past week or two I've started adding occasional 'hard' workouts and we're trucking on that!
Last weekend I read a gluten thingy that listed some of the possible side effects of gluten intolerance (as in, when you eat it, this can happen). I had over 6 of the health problems on the list. Sharing may be TMI, so I won't ;), but the long and the short is that, Starting last weekend I started cutting back, Monday I dropped it all together and Yesterday and Today I'm feeling better. I hope this lasts!
Ok, Baby is waking, but I want to throw some photos and move on with our day! ;)
Did I mention that he's getting big? |