I recently discovered a blog called Healthy Tipping Point through the Fitnessista and was SO excited once I started reading... Among other things, I have the same due date as she does! She wrote a post today about her expectations of pregnancy and the realities so far. Inspired, I decided to do the same! So...
I am 37 weeks pregnant and I laugh, because reality did not quite match up to my expectations of pregnancy!
1) I will be that crazy fit pregnant woman. (just like when I wasn't pregnant...)
post workout glow, dec 2010 |
my body had other ideas. working out beyond walking or yoga destroyed me, so I had to couch it. Then I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks, 5 days and it's been bedrest since then (until now, since I'm full term! went on 2 longish walks yesterday and it was GLORIOUS). I joined an amazing prenatal yoga class at 14 weeks and I wish I could go every day! (sadly they only have class 3 days a week, and I can really only make it one day a week...)
I can still do this, though! 31 weeks pregnant!!! :-D |
Before... |
Now - 37 weeks |
3) I'm going to hate knowing baby's gender.
not completely!
4) Labor and Childbirth - no worries! ;)
funny thing here. I wasn't scared, wasn't worried, never freaked. My body is meant to do this, so it will happen. Then I went into preterm labor. and it never stopped, but baby hasn't arrived yet. SO I've been in labor for 3 and a half weeks now. and it SUCKS. and I have moments when I'm curled up on the floor bawling because I'm in pain and i'm scared. Or a contraction wakes me up at 2 in the morning and I start crying because (and this is a quote) "I can't do this. He's not going to fit. Can we undo this pregnancy?" or "I can't do this anymore. Get him out NOW!" I'll let you know about the childbirth part when I know! the scary part at this very moment is that it could be tonight, tomorrow, or not till June 20... (God help me...). So, along those lines, any prayers, good thoughts, good vibes, friendly 'ju-ju' you wanna send my way is INCREDIBLY welcome. and accepted with love.
~The Errant Soprano
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