Wednesday, February 12
5am - wake up (again) to go to the bathroom and roll over so my hip will stop screaming at me (one small downside to pregnancy). Fall back to sleep feeling the baby squirm. <3 nbsp="" p="">6:30 am - hear some little noises over the baby monitor. Ignore, hoping he'll go back to sleep (usually he doesn't and I get a half hour before "mommy. mommy? mommy!" happens
6:45 am - realize all has gone quiet again, peek at monitor. Wonder of all wonders, he DID actually go back to sleep!
7:20 am - stumble out of bed to get breakfast and tea. Say 'good-bye, have a nice day' to the hubster.
7:30 am - can't believe Dec isn't awake. Go check on him and inadvertently wake him up. darn! Plus side, he's a 'slow-to-go' kinda guy, so I grab the dirty diapers and run them out to the laundry in the garage while he wakes up.
7:40 am - get Dec out of bed, change his diaper, take him to the dining room for breakfast. Breakfast this morning (not inspiring) is granola (me) and Honey Nut O's and bananas for Dec.
8:14 am - release the boy from his high chair for some play time while I fold laundry and we listen to the radio. He comes up intermittently asking for a "puppy" or a "kitty" on his magnetic drawing board. I draw them and still manage to get the laundry folded without too much re-folding.

9am - I see the time and get us both dressed to leave the house so we can (attempt) to get some 'paperwork' done for a subbing job I'm doing next week.
9:30am - finally out of the house and at the college administration office. They tell me that TB tests can only be administered on Mon-Tuesday. shoot. (yes, I had called ahead and the person who I talked to said they were available all week long)
10:00am - after abandoning my 20 minute parking and finding a new parking space, Dec and I trot along campus to the Campus Police office for Live Scan. They inform me that I have to go to another building to pay before I can do the live scan there. I tell them I'd rather go to a free-standing place and can they tell me who they accept that from?
10:40am - I get Dec BACK in the car (with no little fighting and have to remove shoes due to a mud-puddle incident...) and call the hubster for a quick (ok, not quick) vent. GRRRR
10:45am - on the road again! this time headed to my parents' house for the first lesson of the day. We get there with PLENTY of time and go for a walk in the neighborhood.
11:15am - lunch! I whip up some scrambled eggs and (frozen, gf) waffles for lunch so that we can eat before my student comes. Declan eats the eggs and some crackers. today is not a winning day for diet for this boy!
11:45am - I put Dec down in my old room at my parents for a nap. They have it all set up for him and with the right 'props' he's usually good about going down and napping.
11:47am - screaming from the bedroom. I go in expecting to see him on the floor (having climbed/fallen out - he is at that age after all!) and instead find him standing in the middle of the pack-n-play. we snuggle and I put him back down. (disclaimer: usually my dad is around to entertain my little monkey, but he was on vacation)

12pm - my student shows up. We start the lesson about as usual...
12:15pm -we hear fussing
12:20pm - fussing is now full out crying. I go get Dec and set him up with some toys, books, and his blanky in 'papa's chair'
1pm - lesson was mostly a success, though Dec tried his best to distract us with cute antics and 'reading' all the words he knows. *favorite moment was when he pointed to a picture of a tomato and said "FISHY!" he was very proud of himself*
1:30pm we head home. Dec (unsurprisingly) falls asleep in the car.
1:45pm I transfer Dec (apparently successfully) to his crib. All quiet on the toddler front. I sit down with lesson plans for next week and start perusing.
3pm - I go to wake Dec up, only to find him wide-eyed, staring at the ceiling. Creepy! I ask him if he's ready to go see "ti-ti" (his name for his friend at daycare) and he sadly says "no."
3:10pm - we leave the house only a little bit late. The drive to daycare takes 15 or so minutes.
3:25pm - drop Dec off at daycare. Warn her that he might be a little out of sorts, but he happily gets playing! We chat for a couple minutes about life and everything. "ti-ti" wakes up, so I sneak out while Dec is distracted by the exciting prospect of his favorite playmate!
3:45pm - shoot. construction on the way home... this is going to slow me down!
3:55pm - realize I didn't start dinner in the crockpot. double shoot! i'm going to have to squeeze it in in the milliseconds between students!
4:02pm - I'm home! a little late, but I made it. Immediately turn on the keyboard and start lesson #1

4:30pm - lesson 2 arrives!
5pm - lesson 3 starts
5:30pm - Lesson 4.
6pm - make sure everything is in the crockpot to be cooked. Hightail it to the car to go get Dec. We've only got 1.5 -2 hours before bedtime.
6:20pm - pick the Decmeister up. He's sad to see me instead of daddy. Sorry, buddy!
6:25pm - non-stop asking for daddy. We detour to the dojo for a quick visit.
6:45pm - stop in at the Dojo and see daddy. The guys are all doing their thing - Daddy is in horse stance holding a bo staff above his head. Declan is confused, but takes the time to run around the dojo a bit.
7pm - we head home from the dojo. Dinner is ready-ish. ready enough and Dec and I eat. Sitting down was a mistake. Now I don't want to move!
7:45pm - Time for bed. I drag myself out of the chair and we do bedtime routine - Diaper, pajamas, teeth, book, Nigh-nights.
8pm - jump in the shower
8:05pm - jump out of the shower (it is a drought after all!) realize I haven't put the diapers in the dryer. Start putting Cloth diapers on my baby registry instead.
8:45pm - hubby is home - manage to convince him to move diapers to the dryer. we realize I would have had to take his clean clothes out anyway...
9pm - we watch an episode of the Mentalist.
9:45pm - I convince him to start another episode and promptly fall asleep on the couch.
11pm - Hubster wakes me up. I brush my teeth and crawl in bed. We have a bonding moment with the baby (hubster puts his head down on the belly to listen to the heartbeat - i'm so jealous he can do that! - and the baby kicks him in the head.) Love it!
11:15pm - I crash. on to another day!
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