Boy, oh boy, is there so much I can write on this! I am a huge advocate for cloth diapering for those who are interested. There are a lot of benefits and it's not as hard as it was when my mom was cloth diapering me! I realize this isn't for everyone and of course, mine is only one opinion, but there are so many cool things about cloth diapering now that I'd love to share - they will also let you know why we are CDign with our little one.
- Cute diapers.
- Lots of options and choices on how you do it:
- Traditional prefolds and covers
- Pockets
- Brands include BumGenius, SunBaby, FuzziBunz, Kawaii, SoftBums, Maci Grace, etc... There are LOTS of brands out there. (We use primarily SunBaby with a side of BumGenius and a touch of maci grace, fuzzibunz and whamies)
- They are SUPER easy - inserts and outers that have the waterproof liner and an awesome microfleece inner that wicks away moisture into the soaker inserts. you can also put several inserts in to up the absorbancy.
- A lot of Pockets are one size, meaning they fit from 7 or 8lbs to 35-40lbs, depending on the diaper. this means you need one diaper size for all the time your baby is wearing them! (which means fewer diaps bought, less money spent)
- These are often more expensive, but you can join facebook b/s/t s and get them used on places like craigslist and at Just Between Friends sales.
- You take them apart to wash (inserts out) and stuff them again when they are dry. it's kind of like stuffing a pillow into a pillowcase, but way more fun (I think)!
- All-In-One (AIO)
- I have 4 Thirsties all in ones and they are great, but not for our boy! He pees around in 2 seconds flat. The pluses to them are how easy they are to use - everything's already done for you. put them on, take them off, in the laundry they go - no need to take anything apart or re-stuff.
- The downside is that they take longer to dry, but they are cute, easy, and come in really fun designs.
- I haven't seen any one-size. I don't know if they exist. the Thirsties that we were using come in 2 sizes: 6-18lbs (which he's almost out of already at 3.5 months) and 18-40lbs
- etc, etc. For some more info on types, you can always check out this website:
- There are also fabric choices - we have inserts in hemp, microfiber, and bamboo as well as cotton prefolds (which also come in hemp and bamboo). there are so many choices and they all feel different, absorb differently, and you can pick whichever takes your fancy/works best for you and yours.
- Cost Effective
- you buy the diapers upfront and they you've bought them . No more diaper runs when you spend $50 on 200 diapers that the baby will go through in a month or less.
- you have options - like one size pockets or prefolds w/ covers - that will last you the ENTIRE TIME your baby is in diapers.
- Easy
- put clean diaper on baby
- take dirty diaper off baby, take apart (if necessary), and put in washable laundry bag like this:
- Laundry bag goes in wash with the dirty diapers - no need to touch again, just shake the dirty diaps in the washer, drop the bag in too and off you go!
- Laundry is easy. this is what i've been doing with my washer:
- drop diapers in on extra rinse (cold)
- when that's done, I set it for regular hot wash, cold rinse with an extra rinse and use about 1/4 the deterget i'd usually use on a load that size. They have special detergents, but i'm cheap and prefer to buy what i can touch first (and know won't make mine or my son's skin break out in rashes) and have been using this:
You can check this chart to choose detergents.
- No Chemicals against baby's skin. just soft, soft fabric.
- Baby's bottom: fabric vs. paper. which would you rather wear on your butt?
- Baby's bottom, V.2 - Less diaper rash. I bought a ton of diaper rash cream and haven't had to use it yet. *knock on wood* , but the fabric is really good about pulling away from his skin and it looks way better than when we've gone on weekend trips and used disposables. (so we didn't have to carry cloth/launder cloth)
- Blowouts and Leaks - we've still had some, don't get me wrong, but in 3 months of cloth we've had 1, maybe 2 poop blowouts and maybe 10 leaks (when I waited too long to change him). In one weekend with disposables we had 2 poop blowouts and 3 leaks.
- Better for the environment - no filling the landfills. 'Nuff said. (this was seriously the last one on our list of why we did cloth. money was probably the first)
- Diapering is a little more hands on. and you wash your diapers ( you can get a laundry/diaper service)
- carrying around dirty diapers when you're out all day.
- take up more space in the diaper bag. (so get a bigger diaper bag?)
- ...
- that's all I can think of. If you have others, let me know!
Diaper Changes with Pocket Diapers:
As you can tell, We love our Cloth Diapers. :) Feel free to ask questions - I'll answer the ones I can and send you on to places with answers for the ones I can't answer!
~errant soprano
So if you were to pick a favorite brand??? what would it be?
ReplyDeleteYour post is almost just like my cloth diaper post on my blog! And $ was our biggest factor too!