Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Working out again - The Embarassing Post-Partum Edition

Brutal honesty is about to happen here - just be warned... some might be TMI!

I've been working on working out again, but, in all honesty, I haven't been particularly consistent.  I have managed about 1 'official' workout a week and a couple walks here and there and yoga around the house when I can.

Most of my physical activity comes from work (where I often move chairs, boxes of music, and percussion) and this guy:
    who now weighs at least 15lbs and is at least 26 inches long and loves to be held so he can see everything that's going on.  I'm working on some serious guns!

I got an awesome workout at tough mudder pushing the stroller up hills and have been managing to squeeze in a HIIT workout once a week.  Today I'll go for a walk and try to do a HIIT or yoga workout if the wee one cooperates!

Here comes the honesty part:

working out is hard now - physically, it feels great, but things are different with my body. Things like - my boobs are bigger than they have ever been in my life - I was always pretty flat chested (34A in High School and College and 34B in Grad School and until I got pregnant) and now I'm rocking 36Ds.  May I say that I now understand you larger busted ladie's complaints? I always thought "why would you complain about being busty?"  Now I understand.  Those suckers BOUNCE.  and when they bounce, they hurt.  Makes working out so much harder, especially since my sports bras were perfect for before, when I was small.  Does anyone have any suggestions for really good, no-bounce, sports bras?

The second part, and this really is TMI so please feel free to tune out here...
The peeing, dear God, the peeing!
Even with doing a bunch of kegles, giving birth to a baby and having a catheter for a week has RUINED my bladder control while jump roping.  I don't even know that its happening until its over and too late!

I miss Jump roping

here's hoping that I can get that control back again!

In much less disgusting news, I did a couple slow sprints around and about (in order to get somewhere fast) and it felt good to hit my stride!  I don' think I'll be doing any long runs any time soon, but I hold out hope that someday I might again!

~Errant Soprano

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