OK. Not really. However, I have had some thoughts on my mind based on some recent experiences and felt a need to do a brain dump/rant/challenge.
I'm starting to realize now, as a mommy, that we have become, as a whole, an abrasive society. Twice in the last week I've had people obviously cursing me out from the relative safety of their cars over a percieved indiscretion while driving. One of them was a valid frustration, but still no reason to react as she obviously did (I was in the middle of a large driveway rather than off to the right as I should have been. she still had room to get in the driveway as long as she wasn't speeding - which she was). The other was completely ridiculous and an overreaction (I was going the speed limit on a one way road where the cops are known to hang around and stopped at a stop sign before I went right. abiding by the traffic laws is apparently a no-no to her).
What it got me to thinking about was that we can be just awful when we feel secure and safe like other people can't see or touch us. However, people are intuitive and if you can see what they're doing, you feel the emotional ramifications of their behavior.
So, why do we perpetuate this behavior? What makes us feel like it's ok? I'm not going to lie, I've been that person, yelling from inside the safety of my car at some transgression made by another driver. My question is, why did I do it? It didn't change their behavior. They didn't miraculously start driving any better and more often than not they retaliated, perpetuating the behavior.
Before I was a mother, I was really judgmental and since then I've learned that every family is different, just like every person is different and every child is different. What works here doesn't work there, and you have no idea what a stranger is going through or dealing with that day, that month, that year. LIFE CHANGING REALIZATION.
So my challenge for myself for ... forever, but more realistically, the next month, is to focus on being a better person to strangers. Particularly when driving. So, say I'm running late for something. It's not anyone's fault but mine, so I will focus on honestly recognizing what the repercussions will be if I'm late (usually they really aren't that bad) and take the consequences as they arise without taking out my frustrations with myself on others.
here we go!
What do you think of the current trend to treat strangers badly when you are in the safety of your car? Are you guilty as I am? How does it make you feel when you're the one getting yelled at? How does the retaliation make you feel?
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