Thursday, December 27, 2012

Baby's First Christmas

Hi All.
Sorry for being such a blogger slacker!  I never knew how crazy busy I would be with a baby under my wing.  I'm finally feeling like I have my feet under me again, but am just figuring out how to manage time as a mommy, singer, and wife.  Not to mention blogger :)

I am LOVING being a mom. it's challenging, but there is always a baby giggle, laugh, or new achievement to make it all worth it.  Saturday is 7 months with our baby boy.  I can't believe its been 7 months already and yet, I can barely remember our lives without him!

So, Tuesday was his first Christmas and I was so busy helping with the food preparation that we didn't take many pictures.

He lucked out on toys from family and is LOVING the puzzle ball, Stacking cups, and a shape sorter! Santa gave him a very hungry caterpillar rattle and mommy and daddy got him a fun mini version of the wire/bead things - like they have at dentist offices!

Since the 6 month update never went out, this is what our little man is up to these days:

  • army crawl.  Oh yes.  it's happening! 
  • Laughing at mommy: 
  • grabbing things
  • Babbling.  we've got "NaNaNaNa", "DaDaDaDa" and now "BaBaBa down! We don't read him Traditional Baby Books at the moment - Daddy prefers to read from 'Basic Economics'  and Declan likes to interject like he understands what Daddy is saying!  
  • Grabbing Toes and bringing them to his mouth
  • Rolling and stopping mid-roll to hang out in a yoga-like twist.
He's Eating 'solids' now - Pureed fruits and veggies and oatmeal!  He loves his Pears, Peaches, Green Beans, Pumpkin and Apples!  I can't wait to introduce more as we go along!  

I hope everyone's holidays were lovely and filled with family and love.  

~Errant Soprano

Monday, November 5, 2012

New Leaf?

Without me doing much about it, my weight has been going down and I'm getting skinnier.  Whoo hoo!  The downside is that, except for baby lifting muscles, I have fairly minimal muscle tone.  So, with this in mind, I'm attempting to achieve a new goal - 2 workouts minimum a week (on top of what I was already doing) and I'm going to attempt to be more active on weekends... maybe some hiking with the baby?

So, with a nod to the old bodyrock - the one where Zuzana was still there - Here was today's workout.

16 rounds, 10 sec rest: 30 sec work.

1) up/down planks
2) low squats with calf raises
3) pike press-legs fly- jump up
4) side-lunge switching
5) push ups
6) v-ups
7) Mountain Climbers
8) surfers

Scores for both rounds:
1) 9, 7
2) 12, 10
3) 6, 6
4) 29, 28
5) 9, 10
6) 11, 12
7) 30, 27
8) 6, 6

and now i'm feeling it already!

I miss when I felt like a 'bad ass.'  It wasn't that long ago (though definitely pre-baby, pre-pregnancy) and I was awesome!  so tough and fit. Abs of steel, buns of steel, looked great in a bikini!  ;-)

here's to getting some semblance of that back

~Errant soprano

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Four and a half month update. Baby and Mommy

ok.  So I completely failed at getting this out at 4 months, so it's a 4 month and 2 week update.

D is doing so well!  He's growing and happy (most of the time), sleeping through the night, fighting naps, eating well, and generally being adorable (when he's not driving me crazy from overtired screaming!).

Milestones he's met:

  • Rolling.  For a long time (3 weeks is a long time now!) he was rolling back to tummy, but only back to tummy.  Now he rolls tummy to back too... baby on the move. Time to babyproof!  
  • Reaching for toys.  He does this more when someone is holding a toy out to him, but he'll pick things up off the floor now too. He just started reaching for things today.  Like purposefully reaching for my hair to pull... Seriously considering cutting it off except... he is so cute when I tickle him with my hair!
  • 'talking' - he coos at us regularly now.  Tells us stories and spreads the love... it's the BEST.THING.EVER.  See? 
  • 'singing' - I'm pretty sure this is what he's trying to do... with a singer for a mommy, how could he not?  :)  I don't have any videos of it, but he'll find a pitch and sort of hum it and then hum notes around it. He is now Humming when he eats - like mommy does!  It's one of my more annoying endearing habits!
  • Supported sitting - if you help, he will sit! Such a big boy
  • Supported Standing - he's been doing this for a while.  
  • Supported 'dancing' - he has two moves that rock - the 'cowboy stomp' and the 'surfer'.  no vids yet, but definitely adorable
  • Laughing - it still takes a lot to get a giggle out of him, but he does laugh and giggle as well as smile now and it's amazing.  
  • Chewing/Teething - the dreaded teething has begun and we have days of screaming for no apparent reason.  mommy-no-like.
  • Playing by himself.  Sort of.  he'll play by himself sometimes which is great because it lets me do things like update this blog!
His Size:
at Birth:                When we took him home:    4 months:
20" long               20" long                              26" long  
6lbs, 14oz           6lbs, 4oz                             15lbs

Postpartum Mind:
honestly, nothing crazy different here other than I'm way more emotional than I used to be.  I have a feeling this'll hang around though... Mrs. I-never-cry now bawls at movies and commercials and sentimental moments... no reason at all.  

Postpartum Body:
Body is nowhere near what it was, but getting closer to fitting in my pre-pregnancy clothes.

Pre-pregnancy  Measurements:           End of Pregnancy:                       4 months Post-partum:
Bust: 32.5"                                         Bust: 35"                                     Bust: 35.5"
Waist: 25"                                          Waist: 40"                                   Waist: 28.5"
Hips: 36.5"                                         Hips: 38"                                     Hips: 37"

                               Photo: 4 months postpartum
awful picture, I know.

I haven't been working out as much as I'd like, but hope to get there soon.  Life with a new baby and a kitchen in re-model is a life in upheaval.  

be back soon with more things relating to life and a fun 'announcement'

~Errant Soprano 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

State of the Nation

OK.  Not really.  However, I have had some thoughts on my mind based on some recent experiences and felt a need to do a brain dump/rant/challenge.

I'm starting to realize now, as a mommy, that we have become, as a whole, an abrasive society.  Twice in the last week I've had people obviously cursing me out from the relative safety of their cars over a percieved indiscretion while driving.  One of them was a valid frustration, but still no reason to react as she obviously did (I was in the middle of a large driveway rather than off to the right as I should have been. she still had room to get in the driveway as long as she wasn't speeding - which she was).  The other was completely ridiculous and an overreaction (I was going the speed limit on a one way road where the cops are known to hang around and stopped at a stop sign before I went right.  abiding by the traffic laws is apparently a no-no to her).


What it got me to thinking about was that we can be just awful when we feel secure and safe like other people can't see or touch us.  However, people are intuitive and if you can see what they're doing, you feel the emotional ramifications of their behavior.

So, why do we perpetuate this behavior?  What makes us feel like it's ok?  I'm not going to lie, I've been that person, yelling from inside the safety of my car at some transgression made by another driver.  My question is, why did I do it?  It didn't change their behavior.  They didn't miraculously start driving any better and more often than not they retaliated, perpetuating the behavior.
 source (I just google imaged 'frustrated')

Before I was a mother, I was really judgmental and since then I've learned that every family is different, just like every person is different and every child is different.  What works here doesn't work there, and you have no idea what a stranger is going through or dealing with that day, that month, that year.  LIFE CHANGING REALIZATION.

So my challenge for myself for ... forever, but more realistically, the next month, is to focus on being a better person to strangers.  Particularly when driving.  So, say I'm running late for something.  It's not anyone's fault but mine, so I will focus on honestly recognizing what the repercussions will be if I'm late (usually they really aren't that bad) and take the consequences as they arise without taking out my frustrations with myself on others.

BREATHE         . source

here we go!

What do you think of the current trend to treat strangers badly when you are in the safety of your car?  Are you guilty as I am?  How does it make you feel when you're the one getting yelled at?  How does the retaliation make you feel?

~Errant Soprano

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Working out again - The Embarassing Post-Partum Edition

Brutal honesty is about to happen here - just be warned... some might be TMI!

I've been working on working out again, but, in all honesty, I haven't been particularly consistent.  I have managed about 1 'official' workout a week and a couple walks here and there and yoga around the house when I can.

Most of my physical activity comes from work (where I often move chairs, boxes of music, and percussion) and this guy:
    who now weighs at least 15lbs and is at least 26 inches long and loves to be held so he can see everything that's going on.  I'm working on some serious guns!

I got an awesome workout at tough mudder pushing the stroller up hills and have been managing to squeeze in a HIIT workout once a week.  Today I'll go for a walk and try to do a HIIT or yoga workout if the wee one cooperates!

Here comes the honesty part:

working out is hard now - physically, it feels great, but things are different with my body. Things like - my boobs are bigger than they have ever been in my life - I was always pretty flat chested (34A in High School and College and 34B in Grad School and until I got pregnant) and now I'm rocking 36Ds.  May I say that I now understand you larger busted ladie's complaints? I always thought "why would you complain about being busty?"  Now I understand.  Those suckers BOUNCE.  and when they bounce, they hurt.  Makes working out so much harder, especially since my sports bras were perfect for before, when I was small.  Does anyone have any suggestions for really good, no-bounce, sports bras?

The second part, and this really is TMI so please feel free to tune out here...
The peeing, dear God, the peeing!
Even with doing a bunch of kegles, giving birth to a baby and having a catheter for a week has RUINED my bladder control while jump roping.  I don't even know that its happening until its over and too late!

I miss Jump roping

here's hoping that I can get that control back again!

In much less disgusting news, I did a couple slow sprints around and about (in order to get somewhere fast) and it felt good to hit my stride!  I don' think I'll be doing any long runs any time soon, but I hold out hope that someday I might again!

~Errant Soprano

Monday, September 24, 2012

More Baby Gear - The things I thought I didn't need/want

Having a baby = so much stuff.

There are so many things that I thought wouldn't want or need with this baby, and on some of them I was right, some of them I was SO wrong!

A couple of the highlights:
bebe au lait nursing cover (my aunt gave me one.  didn't want one, but whoo boy do I love it now!)
carseat canopy (I thought it was unnecessary but got one anyway)
Summer Infant SwaddleMe swaddles
bouncer/baby seat
Boppy (Again, didn't know that it would be necessary but wanted -and got- one anyway)
Baby Monitor

  • bebe au lait nursing cover - I totally thought "i'll just use a blanket" on this one!  HAH.  D pulls the blanket off, gets too hot, fights it the whole way.  The cover is hung around your neck and is so much easier.  worth the money!

  • carseat canopy - This is great!  we used it to keep stranger faces out when he was a newborn and now use it to help enforce naps and protect from the sun.  LOVE this. am planning on trying to make some and see how it goes

  • Summer Infant SwaddleMe - I thought "Blankets do this job just fine, why would I spend more on something as goofy as this?"  Answer?  Because baby's are mini-Houdinis.  In the normal blanket, his arms would get out and wake him in seconds and that made for an unhappy baby!  Now we find that it also helps signal to him that it's nap time when he's fighting sleep.  we don't care if he stays in it all the way anymore, because he's not waking himself up as much, but they are still great!
  • Bouncer/Baby seat - I didn't think we'd want one, but now that the boy wants to be up and looking around, I can see that it would be a nice thing to have! he tends to get really frustrated and upset when he's stuck on the floor or in a crib. Fisher-Price Rainforest Bouncer
  • Breastpump - Since I wasn't planning on going back to work at first, I didn't worry about a breastpump.  Within a week of having him, my husband had to make an emergency trip out to the store to get me one!  Part of this is because I'm a little bit of an overproducer and when my milk came in I would feed him, then get 8-12oz with most feedings and still feel full.  I tried to only pump 1-2 times a day to minimize the backlash of pumping a lot (even higher production), but I had to pump at least that much to be comfortable. Now that I'm working one night a week and in the process of interviewing for another job (more on that later), I'm thinking we should have splurged and gotten an electric pump.  The one I've been using, which I like for a hand pump, is the Medela Harmony.  I'm looking at getting the Ameda Purely Yours. Do any of you have this one?  what do you think of it?
  • Boppy -   This funny looking pillow.has been awesome for nursing, supporting the baby during playtime, and comfortable cuddling in awkward situations.

  • Baby Monitor - we haven't gotten one of these yet, but as he gets older, we're realizing that one would be helpful since we aren't sleeping in the same room anymore.  Does anyone have any suggestions for a monitor they really like (that's not too expensive)?  We are starting to lean towards video, though we were only going to do audio at first...
  • Toys - obviously we need toys, but I was trying to keep THINGS at a minimum since our house is really small and we'd like to keep the clutter down in the house.  (Probably means its time to get rid of some of mommy and daddy's stuff!) 

I'm sure there are more things (one came to mind then eluded me before I could get back to the computer) and I can update as I remember.  Hopefully these help those of you who are wondering what you need!

~Errant Soprano

Our Experiences Traveling with a baby 3 months and younger

So, the little monkey is 3 months, 2 weeks now and we've gone on 4 trips in the past 2 months!

Some things we've discovered:

  • On car trips it is absolutely imperative that one of us sits in the back.- and I should NOT drive.  We hit bad traffic and the baby was crying and BOOM!  this never-before-outwardly-emotional woman was in tears behind the wheel. Bawling.  My poor hubby was sitting there with a crying baby behind him and a crying baby wife to his left...
  • if you're an overproducer like me, suck it up and pack the pump anyway.  I haven't on several of the trips and just end up uncomfortable ALL DAY LONG.
  • as a mom you will ALWAYS overpack!  those 20 outfits you think you need for a weekend?  you can probably get away with 3-5.  and the baby only really needs 5-8 outfits!  
  • I cloth diaper, but on the go we decided to go with disposables when we travel - Cloth Diapering mamas, be prepared for more blowouts than usual!
  • If you are driving, plan on several stops.  If you're on a plane, be prepared to nurse/bottle feed/shove a pacifier in the mouth at the first fuss.  
  • Don't go into the trip thinking you can do everything you want to do.  No matter what happens, you'll need to try and maintain baby's schedule or you will have the grumpiest baby when you get home!

Our trips in order:

  1. Asilomar - Family trip with my fam.  Definite reminder that baby needs need to come first.  Couldn't go with the family's schedule 100% because the baby wanted to eat or sleep.  The drive was stressful and felt really long, especially on the way back when we kept hitting traffic jams.  
  2. Hawaii - Just the three of us.  I was the most nervous about this trip, but it ended up being the easiest. Because it was just the 3 of us, it was MUCH easier to go with the baby's flow and because we were able to get up and walk around on the plane, the baby didn't feel as stuck in his seat.  I think he's developing a real hatred of carseats and strollers!
  3. South Lake Tahoe - Not a long drive, so nice for that.  We went with friends and the plus here was that we were more easily able to pass the baby around so I could try Stand Up Paddle Boarding - SO FUN!
  4. Santa Barbara - Had such an awesome time hanging out with my aunt and uncle.  Loved seeing D interacting with my aunt, he had so much fun (and I think she did too)!  The only downside was that it was a LONG drive for a weekend trip.  Hopefully we can make it for a longer weekend next time.
  5. North Lake Tahoe - we went for the Tough Mudder event that my husband was doing.  D was great at first and actually did a really good job napping both days.  D and I drove down with my parents and the Hubs joined us at the cabin after he got off work.  D was great most of the day, but was obviously getting tired of carseats and strollers by the end of the day and that made for a fussy baby. At the even itself, he did great napping and was mostly a happy baby, but between being stuck in a stroller, carseat, or carrier all day and the HUGE number of people, he started getting unhappy by the end of the day.  The crowds, overwhelming for even me, seemed to be the scary factor for him.  Early in the day he was enjoying watching them, but later... not a fan!
Overall we had fun on all our trips;  I'm becoming a pretty accomplished packer and D is getting used to being on the go in his life, which will hopefully help him as he gets older.  

Enough for now - gotta go get my wake-y baby!  

~Errant Soprano

Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Tough Mudder

I hardly ever post pics or talk much about my hubby, but his weekend achievement is one that deserves a huge shout out and I can't wait to share!

NorCal Tahoe  Tough Mudder!
my tough mudder (and a guy from his team)

He, of course, claims that the obstacles were pretty easy - but that mostly uphill, high-altitude, 12-mile run were what made it hard.

We actually stayed in Tahoe the night before which made it easier to get there in time.  So, after leaving the cabin before the sun came up, we headed to Northstar Ski Resort (where the event was being held).  I'm not sure what the stats were on the race, but there were THOUSANDS of people there - most of them were running, but there were a lot of spectators too.  This was my first time attending a big racing event as an adult and definitely the first time with a baby!

Sadly, we were in a team and they didn't get there early enough for their original start time - guess they underestimated the traffic and parking situations.  They all had to park farther down the hill at other ski resorts and catch a shuttle bus up to the resort!

waiting for the rest of the team before the race!
While we waited we were able to watch the fastest people of the first group tackle the half pipe (which you can see behind the hubs above).  There were lots of fun costumes (I should have taken pictures!) and we had a ton of fun watching some of the early goers tackle Everest.    It's really cool how people will help each other (even total strangers!)  tackle Everest.  The Hubs made it by himself first try then hung out and helped pull his teammates up!  Such a cool experience.  I actually missed watching them on Everest because I was waiting at the next (and last) obstacle to cheer them to the end!  Watching Electroshock Therapy was interesting - there were some people who totally ate it and fell face first into the giant puddle, some who came through screaming (in pain), and some who took it like it was nothing (read: my husband).  I'm not sure how I'd feel doing that obstacle!
When he and his team came out the other end, they were COVERED in mud.  Yes, it's tough mudder and a mud run, but they made the other mudders look downright clean.  I found out later that this was because they were doing cannonballs into the puddles during the Mud Mile after one of their teammates fell in accidentally!  He's still cleaning mud out of his ears and nose!

Mud Mile 

I was hoping to take the spectator path and catch as much of the run as I could, but between the huge number of spectators, gravel paths that even the jogger stroller was a challenge with, and the fact that I was SUPER thirsty with the elevation and drank all my water less than halfway up to the start, I couldn't catch up!  (They wouldn't allow babies in carriers on the chair lift, but if they could walk to the lift they could ride?  Scary.  I'd rather take a trapped baby in the carrier than a wiggly, walking, one-year old!)

Overall it was a fun experience and I half want to do it myself!  However, the 12 mile run would probably be too much for me!  I've never run farther than 4 miles in a straight go - more of a sprinter here!  I also think I'd completely eat it on Everest, struggle with Hold Your Wood, and completely lose it when facing Electroshock Therapy!  

Speaking of Hold Your Wood, my absolute beast of a husband grabbed one of the biggest logs (6ft) and ran with it BY HIMSELF.  When I heard that, I called him a show-off!  Apparently most of the other runners were saying the same thing!  Haha.  Gotta love him.  

All-in-all, it sounds like the guys had a GREAT time and I'm wondering if I should try training for a race, or even the mudder!  It actually sounds like fun.  I just don't know when I'll have the time to get back to that level of fitness with the beeb.  I've been working on getting workouts back into my daily routine, and it's a struggle, but worth it to me to try harder.  So much to do, so little time, and such a lovely little distraction!  
mommy's little distraction

Recap of the mudder:
Lots of fun.  HUGELY crowded.  Muddy Hubby.  Teamwork for the win.

a couple more photos:
The Guys after the race - all muddy!
Caterpillar Mudder

at the end of the race... baby is tuckered and daddy is all MUDDY!

and a video of our guys (Team Dragon!) running through Electroshock...Forgive the loud, high screaming... I was so excited and so proud!  

Happy Mudding!

~Errant Soprano

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cloth Diapering - UPDATED [video]

Boy, oh boy, is there so much I can write on this!  I am a huge advocate for cloth diapering for those who are interested.  There are a lot of benefits and it's not as hard as it was when my mom was cloth diapering me!  I realize this isn't for everyone and of course, mine is only one opinion, but there are so many cool things about cloth diapering now that I'd love to share - they will also let you know why we are CDign with our little one.


  1. Cute diapers.  
REALLY REALLY CUTE.  just look at this cutie rocking his diapers

  1. Lots of options and choices on how you do it:  
    • Traditional prefolds and covers
    • Pockets
      • Brands include BumGenius, SunBaby, FuzziBunz, Kawaii, SoftBums, Maci Grace, etc... There are LOTS of brands out there.  (We use primarily SunBaby with a side of BumGenius and a touch of maci grace, fuzzibunz and whamies)
      • They are SUPER easy - inserts and outers that have the waterproof liner and an awesome microfleece inner that wicks away moisture into the soaker inserts.  you can also put several inserts in to up the absorbancy.  
      • A lot of Pockets are one size, meaning they fit from 7 or 8lbs to 35-40lbs, depending on the diaper.  this means you need one diaper size for all the time your baby is wearing them! (which means fewer diaps bought, less money spent)
      • These are often more expensive, but you can join facebook b/s/t s and get them used on places like craigslist and at Just Between Friends sales.
      • You take them apart to wash (inserts out) and stuff them again when they are dry.  it's kind of like stuffing a pillow into a pillowcase, but way more fun (I think)!  
      •  source
    • All-In-One (AIO)
      • I have 4 Thirsties all in ones and they are great, but not for our boy!  He pees around in 2 seconds flat.  The pluses to them are how easy they are to use - everything's already done for you.  put them on, take them off, in the laundry they go - no need to take anything apart or re-stuff.  
      • The downside is that they take longer to dry, but they are cute, easy, and come in really fun designs.
      • I haven't seen any one-size.  I don't know if they exist.  the Thirsties that we were using come in 2 sizes:  6-18lbs (which he's almost out of already at 3.5 months) and 18-40lbs
      •  source

    • etc, etc.  For some more info on types, you can always check out this website: 
  2. There are also fabric choices - we have inserts in hemp, microfiber, and bamboo as well as cotton prefolds (which also come in hemp and bamboo).  there are so many choices and they all feel different, absorb differently, and you can pick whichever takes your fancy/works best for you and yours.
  3. Cost Effective
    1. you buy the diapers upfront and they you've bought them . No more diaper runs when you spend $50 on 200 diapers that the baby will go through in a month or less.  
    2. you have options - like one size pockets or prefolds w/ covers - that will last you the ENTIRE TIME your baby is in diapers.
  4. Easy
    1. put clean diaper on baby
    2. take dirty diaper off baby, take apart (if necessary), and put in washable laundry bag like this:   blueberry pail liners  source
    3. Laundry bag goes in wash with the dirty diapers - no need to touch again, just shake the dirty diaps in the washer, drop the bag in too and off you go!
    4. Laundry is easy.  this is what i've been doing with my washer:
      1. drop diapers in on extra rinse (cold)
      2. when that's done, I set it for regular hot wash, cold rinse with an extra rinse and use about 1/4 the deterget i'd usually use on a load that size.  They have special detergents, but i'm cheap and prefer to buy what i can touch first (and know won't make mine or my son's skin break out in rashes) and have been using this: 
        •     You can check this chart to choose detergents.
  5. No Chemicals against baby's skin. just soft, soft fabric.
  6. Baby's bottom:  fabric vs. paper.  which would you rather wear on your butt?
  7. Baby's bottom, V.2  - Less diaper rash.  I bought a ton of diaper rash cream and haven't had to use it yet.  *knock on wood* , but the fabric is really good about pulling away from his skin and it looks way better than when we've gone on weekend trips and used disposables.  (so we didn't have to carry cloth/launder cloth)
  8. Blowouts and Leaks - we've still had some, don't get me wrong, but in 3 months of cloth we've had 1, maybe 2 poop blowouts and maybe 10 leaks (when I waited too long to change him).  In one weekend with disposables we had 2 poop blowouts and 3 leaks.
  9. Better for the environment - no filling the landfills.  'Nuff said.  (this was seriously the last one on our list of why we did cloth.  money was probably the first)
  • Diapering is a little more hands on.  and you wash your diapers ( you can get a laundry/diaper service)
  • carrying around dirty diapers when you're out all day.  
  • take up more space in the diaper bag.  (so get a bigger diaper bag?)
  • ...
  • that's all I can think of.  If you have others, let me know!

Diaper Changes with Pocket Diapers:

As you can tell, We love our Cloth Diapers.  :)  Feel free to ask questions - I'll answer the ones I can and send you on to places with answers for the ones I can't answer!

~errant soprano

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Can I do it all?

So much to do/achieve today... it's not all necessary, and of course it's all harder with a baby... can I do it?

need to:

  • pack
  • laundry
  • clean kitchen
  • teach
  • errands
want to:
  • workout
  • fold all laundry and put away
  • clean out car
  • snuggles with the wee one!
  • work on upcoming blog posts
Things that will keep me from getting stuff done:
  • this face:   Photo: Ugh. Too, too cute!
  • facebook
Ready, Set, GO!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I disappeared again!

In my defense, we were going on some trips!

: First to this place:
Asilomar Stile
Trail through Asilomar State Beach source for all Asilomar photosAsilomar Boardwalk
Stairway to Scripps LodgeHearst Social Hall
Lodge at Asilomar

Then to this place:

where I did some of this:

and took these guys to the pool! 

Last weekend we went here:

and this guy was super excited about it:

our little party animal:

I've got a bajillion posts I want to do - they've been building up in my mind, I just haven't found the time to write them because i'm so busy snuggling with this guy:

I'm back to work (in a much quieter capacity), We have one more trip to a beautiful place and then the hubby is doing Tough Mudder.  Hopefully I'll find some time to write these posts in there!

"Our Experiences travelling with a baby 3 months or younger"
"Cloth Diapering - pros, cons, and why we went for it"
"Getting my work out on"
"Four Months Postpartum"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

baby gear - episode 2: pacifiers

Sooooo... the great soothing debate!

as a baby, and then a child, and (embarrassingly) almost a preteen I was a huge thumb sucker. its the ultimate of self soothing and it was incredibly hard to break me of the habit. Even after I stopped sucking my thumb consciously, I would wake up sucking my thumb.

with all that in mind, and against recommendations, I brought pacifiers to the hospital. (gasp and judge if you must...)

I brought 2 kinds and we introduced them on day 2.

Baby D only liked one kind and to this day he rejects all others...
Let me introduce you to the Avent Soothie!

videos of D's reactions:


Getting back in the Down Dog

I've decided to move my fitness posts to here as well!  For the old ones you can check out my old fitness blog:

So, this petite soprano and mommy has started to exercise again - just a little bit.  One of the things the end of my pregnancy taught me is that there is such a thing as doing too much and that it can have a hugely negative effect on your body.
After my icky post-partum experience I was on modified bedrest for 7 weeks.  When I got the go-ahead to exercise, I got a little gung-ho and went on two 2+ mile walks, and yoga class, plus lots of errands.  The result of that was some crazy soreness... not workout soreness, but 'female' soreness.

Note to self - go easy on the exercise after birth.

Since then, i've taken it a lot easier - no more long walks since then, so I've knocked out my hope of walking a 5k (race for the arts ) in late August.  Its just going to take longer than that for me to heal enough.

Yesterday was mommy and me yoga.  LOVE that i'm able to do yoga again! the class generally follows this pattern:

  1. mommies (and dads sometimes)  Check in and talk about being a mommy/dad  Source - this is where I do yoga
  2. yoga for baby (mommy/daddy helps baby into yoga positions)                   Source
  3. yoga for mommy (poses that mommy does alone, while interacting with baby) Source
  4. yoga for mommy with baby (baby is added weight for strong mommies)  source
  5. Savasana                                                                                         source
The whole class is baby-driven.  If baby needs to nurse or needs a diaper change, you just take care of their needs and join back with the class when you can.  

One of the things you do in the 4th part of class is squats while holding baby...
My legs are SO sore today!  The good kind of sore, the one that says, My muscles got some good work!

This momma's getting back in shape!

~ The Errant Soprano