Monday, November 5, 2012

New Leaf?

Without me doing much about it, my weight has been going down and I'm getting skinnier.  Whoo hoo!  The downside is that, except for baby lifting muscles, I have fairly minimal muscle tone.  So, with this in mind, I'm attempting to achieve a new goal - 2 workouts minimum a week (on top of what I was already doing) and I'm going to attempt to be more active on weekends... maybe some hiking with the baby?

So, with a nod to the old bodyrock - the one where Zuzana was still there - Here was today's workout.

16 rounds, 10 sec rest: 30 sec work.

1) up/down planks
2) low squats with calf raises
3) pike press-legs fly- jump up
4) side-lunge switching
5) push ups
6) v-ups
7) Mountain Climbers
8) surfers

Scores for both rounds:
1) 9, 7
2) 12, 10
3) 6, 6
4) 29, 28
5) 9, 10
6) 11, 12
7) 30, 27
8) 6, 6

and now i'm feeling it already!

I miss when I felt like a 'bad ass.'  It wasn't that long ago (though definitely pre-baby, pre-pregnancy) and I was awesome!  so tough and fit. Abs of steel, buns of steel, looked great in a bikini!  ;-)

here's to getting some semblance of that back

~Errant soprano

1 comment:

  1. Go girl! That is awesome! Hopefully my weight will be following suit and going down soon... I'm working on it ;)
