It all starts on May 1, 2012...
My work schedule was such that I didn't start until 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I woke with contractions that felt different from the Braxton-Hicks that I had been experiencing since week 25 or so of pregnancy. I didn't really think much of it - I was only 33 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I had been experiencing Braxton-Hicks already, and the cramping really wasn't that painful. A little after lunch that day - I spent the morning running errands - I noticed that they were picking up and coming more regularly. I called the advice nurse and we decided I could totally hang out at home, that things probably weren't really going anywhere.
May 2, 2012...
when I woke up on Wednesday, the contractions were definitely stronger and only 3-5 minutes apart. I called the labor and delivery nurse again and she told us to come in. Sure enough, the monitors showed that I was having contractions 3 minutes apart. Internal exam showed that I was 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced - officially in preterm labor. Uh Oh! I wasn't progressing very quickly so I was sentenced to bedrest and they let us go home - suggesting that I take Nifedipine to slow contractions down.
3 weeks pass...
May 21, 2012
Things started feeling more intense and I was spending more time with coping techniques (crawling, breathing, squatting) than not, so we decided to go into the hospital to get checked out. Finding out that we were only 3 and a half centimeters dilated, we decided to go back home to labor.
May 28, 2012
Not again! I was half sure that the crazy pain increase during dinner was nothing and didn't want to go to the hospital for another false alarm. When they checked this time I was 4 cm dilated (FINALLY), but our plan had been to wait until I was 6 cm before going in. However, when they checked my blood pressure, it was dangerously high and I was at risk for preeclampsia, so they decided to keep me and take measures to induce labor. Hubby and I wanted to have a natural birth, so we weren't thrilled about the suggestion to be put on pitocin to speed things along. Thankfully, the Dr was open to trying to strip the membranes to move things along- which was working swimmingly until they put me on Magnesium Sulfate for the preeclampsia. At that point, the contractions slowed down and they started me on a Pitocin drip at 4am... so, I guess we're now at...
May 29, 2012
we called my mom at 5:30 in the morning to come join us in the Hospital. Our birth team was to include her and the hubby and the hospital staff (who were AMAZING, by the way) Things were picking up, but still moving fairly slowly. I wasn't allowed to leave my room because of the Mag Sulfate (which can make you really off balance and dizzy) or jump in the shower (which had been helping with the contractions up to that point). Nor was I allowed to snack or drink water. only 1 small cup of ice chips an hour for me... That was probably the most frustrating and annoying part of the whole experience!!!
Things were still moving fairly slowly, steadily, but slowly, so when I reached 5 cm and my bag of waters had already popped a leak, they came in and fully broke my bag of waters. weirdest feeling EVER!!!
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